“I’m In”
Senior William Secriskey makes plans to attend college and pictures what life will be like after high school.
May 13, 2022
Senior William Secriskey plans to attend Juniata College after high school graduation. In this senior blog, Secriskey discusses elements of his futrue.
Q: What college will you be attending?
A: I will be attending Juniata College.
Q: Why did you decide to go there?
A: I appreciated the atmosphere, academics, possibilities after graduation and during school, the flexibility of my schedule, and offered my dream career in a short period of time.
Q: What are you majoring in or planning on studying in?
A: I will be getting my undergraduate in Healthcare Administration and my masters in Business Administration.
Q: Will you be participating in sports/extracurricular activities?
A: I will be participating in their chorus.
Q: What excites you the most about college?
A: What excites me is the fun activities, responsibilities, and opportunities that will lie ahead for me.
Q: Is there anything about college that intimidates you?
A: The workload, adjusting to being on my own and my finances.
Q: Why did you think this college was the best choice for you? What
about the school interested you?
A: It was my best choice for me because of the price, how close it is to home, and the atmosphere.
Q: How do you feel about senior year ending so soon?
A: I am excited to see the next chapter of my life to begin but sad that I have to be closing this one.
Q: What do you think will be the biggest difference between high
school and college?
A: The freedoms and more responsibility of college.