Wendle speaks about yearbook staff

Brandon Auker

Introduction to Publication students designed magazine covers to feature journalism students. Brandon Auker designed this cover to feature Emily Kephart.

Senior Emily Wendle is a member of the yearbook staff. The yearbook is run by students who put together a yearbook every year for the school. The yearbook staff has affected many students and even given them more choices for what they want to do with their careers. 

Students have been recruited other students for the yearbook staff.

“My friend Mykenzie Doran always talked about it, so I thought it would be fun,” Wendle said. 

This is Wendle’s first year on the yearbook staff. She took Intro to Publications last year which helped her get into photography and the yearbook.

“When I took Intro to pub last year towards the end of the year when we actually started doing yearbook stuff, I decided that it was probably a good thing for me because it involves both designing and photography,” Wendle said.

Wendle has even considered doing photography as a career, and the yearbook has helped her with that.

“I consider doing photography as a side career from what I want to do. So I think learning how to use a camera to get good photos of people is a good opportunity for me just to get used to doing a camera and doing things professionally, in a way. So I think it’d be a really good experience,” Wendle said. 

Wendle has had her ups with the yearbook staff.

“It was very random. We were all in different grades. So it was a very random thing. But it was really fun,” Wendle said.

She has had her downs as well.

“The worst moment is when deadlines are approaching for your spread and you have a plan but you don’t have it laid out the way you were hoping it was going work. So you’re kind of stuck in between. Do I just submit this and have it edited? Or do I fix it up before my deadline and then submit it for the deadline,” Wendle said

Anyone who wants to join the yearbook team in their future should be prepared.

“You have to be the parent to deadlines; you cannot slack. Slacking is one thing you cannot do and if it does happen you have your staff; they’re there for you. They will help you. And most of all, just have fun. Take good photos, determine your staff, become friends with all of them or just have fun with it. It’s a fun activity,” Wendle said.

Wendle is helping to incorporate this year’s yearbook theme of “Everyone has a story.”