History students to visit Arlington cemetery

Rob Ferrell, Reporter

Carolyn Kline and David Aboud have organized a trip to take approximately 40 students to the Arlington National Cemetery. They are going to participate in the Wreaths Across America event that is held every year in December. It will be on Dec. 15 and the bus will be leaving at 3:30 a.m. from the Altoona Area High School. They will be placing wreaths on the graves of fallen veterans.

“The goal is to help remember the Veterans throughout the holiday season,” Carolyn Kline said.

Multiple history teachers at AAHS saw that the organization needed volunteers to place the wreaths, so they contacted school officials to see what they could do. They got permission for five teachers and one nurse to go help place the wreaths on the graves. The reason for the event is to show respect for those who fought for this country.