EDITORIAL: Graduation should be moved to June 8

Editorial Board

The graduation ceremony for the class of 2019 has been pushed from the original date of June 4 to June 10 because of snow makeup days. This is inconvenient for the student body, parents and extended family who travel to see their relatives graduate. So, graduation should be moved to Saturday, June 8.

Because the graduation date is established at the beginning of the year, seniors make summer plans in advance for the week after. The fact that commencement continues to be pushed back throughout the year conflicts with students’ preconceived plans.

Due to the fact that many seniors have already made plans for leaving on the Sunday prior to the ceremony for their ‘senior weeks’ or summer vacations, there are going to be many students who cannot attend their graduation commencement. Having commencement on Saturday would allow those students to attend their graduation before leaving for their vacations.  Although it may be argued that students should have waited to make their vacation arrangements, the new set graduation date is six days past the original and predetermined date that students believed would be graduation.

Not only this, but a Saturday commencement is more convenient for the families of the graduates. Many students have family members who travel from out of town to see the commencement of a loved one. Having graduation on a Saturday would be more convenient for those who travel to Altoona and solve that problem. For students who have out of state family attending commencement, the constant movement of the date also disrupts the planning of the family members being able to attend the ceremony. Some family members have already made travel arrangements and for the date to be moved around, it can be difficult for them to plan accordingly.

A Saturday commencement would allow for flexibility with the time of the ceremony. Instead of holding the ceremony in the evening, the ceremony could be held in the morning or evening.

If graduation is moved to Saturday, June 8, it would make it immensely easier for seniors and their families to attend.