Pink out for breast cancer

Jocelyn Fetter

Pretty in pink. Wearing pink in October has been a tradition for many years at Altoona High. The girls pictured (left to right) Piper Vallei, Page Vallei, Rylee McCurdy and Kaydee Dambeck in the back were cheerleaders as freshman and younger when this photo was taken. Join the maniacs in wearing pink to support breast cancer awareness month.

Jocelyn Fetter, Reporter

Pink out for all afternoon classes today. Support the Mountain Lion Maniacs as they support breast cancer awareness month. Students are to wear pink to their afternoon classes today and to the game against Hollidaysburg tomorrow, Fri. 2.

“It’s important for people to represent breast cancer awareness month because my grandmother and mother have had breast cancer and it’s nice to let them know that people are aware and want to support them” Senior Kasey Schultz said.