Announcements for Nov. 2

Sonia Yost, Reporter

ATTENTION JUNIORS & SENIORS TAKING THE S.A.T. THIS FALL:  Mr. Spayd has just added the last (2) S.A.T. Math practices (#11 & #12) to his S.A.T. Google Classroom site & a Math Practice Exam. The November S.A.T. exam is rapidly approaching…Be Prepared! The site still contains Weeks (#1 → #10) for all New students. Anyone can join and participate. Presently there are 84 students actively using this site, so join the crowd and improve your S.A.T. Test scores. Access Code: a 7 7 5 z f 7 Any questions, email:
We are happy to announce the three winners for the “then and now” costume contest sponsored by the Maniacs, Horseshoe staff, and Echo staff.  Congratulations Cassie Kyle, Alexis Miller, and Mackenzie Shaw.  Check out the Mountain Echo Twitter or Facebook page for pics.
Attention Students:  Tickets are NOW on sale for our Choose Your Own Halloween Adventure at Fort Roberdeau tonight from 7:00 pm-10:00 pm!  Tickets ($5.00) are available locally at the Altoona Area Public Library main desk and at Fort Roberdeau.  Trick-or-Treat Night is between the Fort cabins from 6:30-7:00 pm, for students 12 and under (with admission). 
Opening Presentation-At the Observatory from 7-7:30 pm, then guests return to one of the 4 areas
From 7:45-9pm
Limit 225 guests due to social distancing – don’t forget your face masks, tailgate chairs and blankets