Orchestra spreads holiday cheer during Pandemic
Warm up! Violinists Hannah McGuire and Aeryal Palazzi practice last minute right before they go on stage. They are two of many violinists practicing. (PHOTO TAKEN DURING 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR)
December 18, 2020
The orchestra has found a way to put on their annual holiday concert, even while all of their musicians are at home.
“This is such an odd year and with the students being virtual, we were not being able to have our normal holiday concert. I felt like it was really important, for not only the students, but for families, friends and our community to see what the students have been working on. They certainly have been working hard; they have been making progress with their playing and becoming better musicians. I’m very excited to be able to share our music with the community,” Orchestra Director, Kelly Detwiler said.
Detwiler had each of the students submit an individual video of them playing. Each of the soundtracks were combined together, and it was turned into one big video that sounds just like the normal orchestra. Detwiler plans to post this concert on the Band app and on the Secondary Music Facebook Page on Monday, Dec. 21.