Students prepare for homecoming
During last year’s Homecoming assembly the representative of the swim team, Faith Milliron, and her escort, Rusty Focht, smile wide for the camera. This year, there will be no homecoming dance, but there will be a scavenger hunt and games night.
April 9, 2021
During the week of April 12-16, student will participate in Homecoming week. The schedule is as follows:
Monday- Pajama Day
Tuesday- Favorite Character Day
Wednesday- School Pride Day and scavenger hunt at 3:30 PM and games night at 7 PM
Thursday- Space Out Day and popular vote during reporting room
Friday- Beach Day and Homecoming march and coronation at 7 PM
There will be money collection on the bridge every day for students to support their favorite candidate.
There will be no dance this year and it will be replaced by the scavenger hunt on Wednesday.
“I’ve been getting my team ready for almost a month now and I’m so excited for everything. I wish that we could’ve had the dance in the fall, but this is still a great substitute for that,” homecoming candidate Makenna Murphy said.