Students show off meaningful tattoos
Thinking of you. Senior Caley Galarneau shows her tattoo honoring her dad. It was her first tattoo and she plans on getting more.
April 30, 2021
This year, many high school students have been getting tattoos. Many of these tattoos represent something meaningful, such as a loss or a symbol of something important.
Senior Caley Galarneau has a tattoo in honor of her dad who passed away.
“I only have one tattoo, and it is my dad’s signature from a note on my left forearm. I got it about six months ago. My dad passed away in a work accident six months ago, so I got the tattoo in honor of him and to carry a piece of him with me everywhere I go,” Galarneau said.
Senior Julia Lane has a common meaning in her tattoo.
“My tattoo is a flower with a heart. I got it about a month ago. I decided to get this tattoo because my grandma passed away in February. The design is actually something that my grandma drew on a card for me about a year ago,” Lane said.
Junior Dakota Boring got his tattoo about two months ago and loves the meaning behind it.

“I wanted to have something meaningful on my body as an almost memorial, I guess you could say, for one of my friends that has passed. There are a few meanings behind it, one being the turtle dove. I chose this because it is a symbol for love and friendship. The second meaningful part of my tattoo is the clock itself. If you look at the time, it is the exact time that my friend had been pronounced dead,” Boring said.
Junior Mackenzie Kelley has two tattoos that mean a lot to her.
“My first tattoo is on my ankle and is a four leaf clover with my grandma’s birth and death date. My second tattoo says ‘think good thoughts and you will fly’ on my ribs,” Kelley said.
Kelley has a lot of meaning behind her two tattoos.
“The one on my ankle is for my grandma who passed away from a rare form of cancer in 2018. We had an absolutely incredible and strong relationship. She meant the world to me, and would always say ‘I have the luck of the Irish.’ My older siblings also have four leaf clovers in memory of her,” Kelley said. “I started cross country my eighth grade year, and I had an amazing coach, coach Meholic. She would always tell me ‘think good thoughts and you’ll fly’ before
my race. To have her still with me, I would write that quote on me before every race with sharpie. After this past cross country season and qualifying for states for the third time, I was finally able to get it tattooed on me. It makes it more special to me because it is in her handwriting. She is one big reason why I am the runner that I am today.”
Lane got her tattoo with someone close to her.
“I actually got this tattoo with my sister. We got the same tattoo just in different locations. I would consider getting matching tattoos with someone else, especially family members and very close friends,” Lane said.
Galarneau has plans for future tattoos.
“I want to get Romans 6:23 ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord’ down my spine, because when I lost my dad I went to God for answers. God saved me and I am forever grateful that he gave me the gift of life,” Galarneau said. “I would also like to get a vine on my right forearm that represents John 15:5 ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.’ I feel like this one speaks for itself in the sense that it takes more than yourself to live and be able to thrive. My mom, sister and I all want to get matching butterfly tattoos for my grandma who passed away 10 years ago. We were all so close with her and I would love to carry her with me as well.”
Boring plans on getting more tattoos, but wouldn’t get a matching tattoo with anyone.
“I want to get another tattoo for my cousin that had passed away when I was younger because although I was young he played a big part in my life,” Boring said. “I wouldn’t get a matching tattoo with someone because it’s something that is permanently going on my body, and I want it to be meaningful, not a bad decision.”
Kelley plans on getting a tattoo with all of her siblings, and is glad that her mom loves her current tattoos.

“I do plan on getting a few more. They would be something that has meaning to me and I have a connection with. I think the only people I would get matching tattoos with would be my siblings because you could lose connection with the person you get a matching tattoo with,” Kelley said. “My mom loves my tattoos even though she isn’t a tattoo person because mine have such deep meaning.”
Boring’s parents and friends were fully supportive of his tattoos.
“My parents fully let me decide what I wanted to do with my tattoo because they said that it was my body so as long as I liked it, it was okay with them. My friends were surprised by me getting one because I had always talked about wanting one but never bothered asking because I assumed my parents would say no,” Boring said.

Galarneau’s tattoo matches with her siblings and her dad’s wife. Her friends and family also supported her tattoo.
“My mom fully supported me when I went with my family to get the tattoo. We went the day before the funeral, so it was even more mentally challenging to have it done. She loved the idea and supported all of my siblings as well. Some of my friends cried when they saw my tattoo. It was such an emotional time but having my friends be supportive through it all helped me tremendously,” Galarneau said.
Alyssa Koch • Aug 30, 2021 at 4:03 pm
These tattoos have really deep meanings and I’m sorry for all the loss. But when I was reaching the end it was so emotional for all these people and why they got the tattoos they did.