Virtual instruction option offered to end school year
On May 19, seniors gathered in the student parking lot to decorate parking spaces. The event took place during senior week.
May 21, 2021
As seniors are approaching the end of their final year in high school, it means it is time to get ready for the special senior events such as prom, senior week and graduation. Seniors were offered the choice to switch to virtual instruction to avoid the risk of being quarantined before their big senior year events.
Students found many positives in the choice of switching to virtual instruction.
“I do think it was a good option for seniors to have, but I believe we should be also given the option to come back for those five days in order to get as much out of our senior year as we possibly can,” senior Cassandra Kyle said.
If seniors do decide to switch to virtual instruction, they are asked to stay fully remote for the remainder of the school year.
“Once the decision is made, students will remain in their mode for the rest of the school year,” principal Andrew Neely said.
Many senior students strongly disagree with the rule of not being able to attend in-person school if they chose to go remote before prom and graduation.
“I believe that after they make the decision to go virtual, they should definitely have the option to come back after prom in order to get their final goodbyes to all of their classmates and teachers. I completely understand why people have gone virtual before prom and graduation, but they should be allowed to come back even if it is for only five days,” Kyle said.
After this proposal was made, Kyle spoke out at a school board meeting and to her assistant principal to try to propose an idea of the seniors being able to come back in person for the last five days of their senior year.
“I spoke with my assistant principal, and I even talked to the school board to push this idea of getting the seniors as much as we possibly can this year, and they either couldn’t get through to those making the decision or just simply ignored my plea,” Kyle said.