Athletes prepare for start of winter season
Takedown! In a freestyle tournament Lucas Sipes stood in the neutral stance waiting for the signal to pin his opponent. Sipes won the tournament.
November 5, 2021
With winter sports approaching, student athletes are preparing to start their season. The athletes play different sports but have similar practice routines.
Freshman Lucas Sipes continues wrestling and freshman Madelyn Pastore sticks with gymnastics.
“I practice everyday, whenever I can. I do conditioning to help me get stronger and better at my sport,” Pastore said.
“I practice all year round… I eat healthy, so nutrition is a big part. I make sure I get sleep and just do everything I can,” Sipes said.
Coaches also prepare for the seasons.
“Our goal as a team never waivers. It is ‘to get better everyday’ as a person, student and athlete. We don’t focus on wins and losses but on the process and hopefully the process leads our young men to awards at the end of the year,” wrestling coach Joel Gilbert said.
“Be willing to do anything it takes to get better each and every day. The season is a grind, and if we can continue to improve both individually and as a team everyday we are together, we will be playing our best basketball once again this year for the playoff stretch at the end of the season,” boys’ basketball coach Jarrod Klausman said.
Student athletes believe motivation is important to help keep determined in their sport. The athletes have different ways of motivating themselves.
“My friends motivate me by always believing in me and helping me through hard times,” Pastore said
Pastore depends on her friends to keep her motivated to continue on with sports while Sipes relies more on himself.
“Being super competitive and having a competitive nature drives me to be the best in everything I do. With my sport I want to be the best,” Sipes said.
Feelings about the start of the season are similar between Sipes and Pastore. They are both excited but also nervous.
“For gymnastics I’m kind of nervous, I just had surgery on my foot. I’m not really ready to compete yet,” Pastore said.
Other students look forward to the season as well.
“I’m excited to be honest, but I know it’s going to be hard with homework and wrestling. I have to stay at a high level of wrestling and get my homework done,” Sipes said.