Mountain Lions to take on rivals back to back

Senior Ashten Bardell drives the ball to the net.

Jayla Nartatez and Marlee Baum

During the week of Jan. 24, the boys’ basketball teams will be playing against both of their rivals, Hollidaysburg and State College. 

On Jan. 25, the boys’ varsity basketball team will play against the State College Little Lions.  Tip off will begin at 6:30 p.m. after the junior varsity game. 

Getting ready for the game, the boys are excited for the competition and the atmosphere that will surround them as they play.

“I am definitely most excited for the atmosphere because Altoona vs State College is always a crazy game, and it is always a huge rivalry game so there is definitely a good crowd.  They have a new kid, Shrewsberry, and he’s pretty good so the competition is also going to be good this year,” senior Ashton Bardell said.

While the boys prepare in many ways, their biggest source of motivation comes from those that support them and the support they have for each other.

“A good team atmosphere is what helps the team to become motivated for huge games like our district rival, State College.  Our intent and energy at practice heavily contribute to our gametime success. Some other huge contributors to team success are our team chemistry, having each others’ backs, working alongside each other, playing to our own strengths and weaknesses to get a team win,” senior Coleton Geibel, said.

Playing against a rivalry team like State College, the team focuses as they prepare at every practice for what is to come against their opponents.

“Our preparation system revolves around a series of detail-oriented, focused practices in which we study strengths and weaknesses of our opponent, offensive review and defensive plans. Our preparation is a constant for us. We take no team lightly and go into every game with the same confidence as we would with any other opponent.  Our plan changes for any specific team, but the system in place for our team remains constant, which is a heavy contributor to our success in back to back District title wins,” Geibel said

Different elements of the team’s abilities have given them their biggest strength to face State College.

“I think that our biggest strength is our small size, giving us an advantage over teams on speed, shooting and being able to play anyone on defense no matter the athleticism,” senior Lucas Muffie said.

Before the team enters the court, their coach gives them some words of wisdom.  

“Usually before games our coach praises how good of a program they are every year and how we need to play our best game of the year when it matters for us. The games are not going to be easy for us, but we know how to manage as a team,” Muffie said.

Since State College is a rivalry team of theirs, the team emphasizes the home court advantage, so the crowd can cheer them on to get the big win.  

“Yes, having the home court advantage in any rivalry game is a huge contributor to our team’s success.  With the help of the rowdy student section and the dedicated fans, we will take a game at home vs. on the road any day. A packed and loud AAHS Field House is a place that I wouldn’t trade for anything,” Geibel said.

Working as a team, the boys think they can go out strong and pull a win as the outcome of the game.

“I think we’re definitely going to win for sure, but I feel like if we can hold Shrewsberry and another kid and if we can hold them to 15 points combined we’re definitely going to win,” Bardell said.

The team’s head coach, Jarrod Klausman, believes his team is prepared and will lead them through the game.

“We will be very prepared for the State College game. We are entering the second round of Mid Penn league games, so we have played everyone in our league once already. Also, it’s a rivalry game against a District 6 opponent. State College will be a team that we have to also eventually beat in the postseason to successfully win our third straight District championship,” Klausman said. 

The players are confident in their ability to win.

“We practice six days a week and study film to make us better and prepare for our games,” sophomore Josh Corso said.

Two days after the State College game, they will play Hollidaysburg, who are considered the biggest rivals. 

“I think we definitely can win because we have some big guys that will give them a run for their money,” Corso said. 

Altoona and Hollidaysburg have been rivals in sports for years, and it still continues.