Never enough time


Eli Peteuil

Wait for the bell. These halls are empty at the moment but once the bell rings, they are packed full of students.

Eli Peteuil, Reporter

In some movies and shows, students can be seen talking and socializing in the halls. Some students don’t think this is reality, while some believe more time is needed so students can have more time to get to class, talk with friends or use the restroom. 

Some students would prefer increased time between classes, this would give students time to use the bathroom or talk to friends. 

“I think we should have six minutes because maybe someone needs an extra minute. It can take a long time to walk from class to class, especially if they are in different classes. An extra minute would also let students have more time to use the bathroom or get a drink. I just think an extra minute or two could help the students a lot,” sophomore Leiya Resig said. 

Some students would prefer a little extra time between classes to relieve stress on the students and try to make their day a little easier. 

“I feel like if we have to get from the third floor of the A building to the third floor of the B building and use the bathroom, you’re not making it. Unless your classes are beside each other, it’s kind of hard to get to classes on time. Also, people walk so slow, especially on the bridge, which can halt students and make us get to class late. And when we are late, teachers get mad, but sometimes it’s just not our fault, or we can’t do much about it without practically running,” junior Jada Johnson said 

Some students believe we are given enough/the perfect amount of time to get between classes and don’t think we need any more time at all. 

“I don’t think we need any more time between classes because between classes there is more violence and things going on in the bathroom like vaping. Five minutes is enough to get to classes as long as you don’t mess around. Some students are more worried about talking to their friends in the halls than getting to class on time, then they have issues when the teacher is yelling at them for being late. If the issue is that they need more time to use the bathroom before class, they can go to class first and ask the teacher,” senior Tanner Lechner said. 

Some students think both ways: they think students having more time could be beneficial, but they also see the issues that could come with students having more time. 

“I think more time would help because it would give CTC students more time to get to their classes. But I also think giving more free time to students could be bad,  they could be doing things they shouldn’t like, fighting, missing class and taking advantage of the time between classes. Some students use the time in a good way like getting to class on time, but some students would ruin the privilege by fighting in the halls and other things. Some students would still wander the halls and be late no matter how much time students are given. However, it gives people more time to settle into class if they get there early,” junior El Heidler said.

Some teachers’ opinions are the same as students, they think the amount of time between periods is just right. 

“I think the time we have now is perfect. I do have kids that come in late but that’s only in eighth period; the students could be tired. Benefits of having more time would be less bathroom breaks during class and to stop at a guidance counselor’s office or the school store. The only benefit I can think of with shortening the amount of time between classes would be longer class periods so we have more time to teach, and students have more time to learn,” tech ed teacher Todd Bennett said.