Snowball announced for Jan. 26

Just chill!! AAHS is hosting their first ever SnowBall the dance will take place Jan. 26 at the field house.
What do you call a snowman at a dance? A snowball!!
Tom Palfey and Sandra Mitchell will host this year’s snowball dance Jan. 26 from 6:00 p.m, to 8:30 p.m. at the field house. There will be a DJ, snacks, drinks and lot’s of dancing.
“It’s the greatest dance of the year. Come and be all dressed up and dance and just have fun with your friends. We have the same DJ from last year. Just come attend and enjoy yourself!” Palfey said.
“It’s only $5.Buy a ticket and come have fun,” Mitchell said
Tickets are $5 per person; they will be on sale the week before the dance. Students can get them at each lunch, but remember students can only can attend if they have four demerits or fewer.