Letter to the editor: Under-representation of the arts
Dear editor,
I believe the Mountain Echo under-represents the arts: painting and music primarily. For example, a couple of weeks ago was the National Art Honors society induction, and there was virtually zero coverage on it, while there is a post at least once a week about a sport. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure sports are great, but they kind of overcrowd everything else that is going on. Did you know that the Arts in Public Spaces classes are painting a mural? Us artsy students work very hard on our projects and concerts, and I think we deserve just as much recognition as the sports teams get. Again, nothing against you, and I know a lot of people love sports, but just because us music and art students don’t play a sport doesn’t mean we don’t work just as hard, if not harder.
Thank you for your time,
Callista Farber
Hello! I'm Cassidy Klock, and I am the Editor in Chief for the AAHS Mountain Echo. I've always had a passion for writing ever since I was a little girl,...