Senior advice

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief

No matter how outstanding, overachieving or hardworking a student was during their freshman through junior year, it is almost inevitable to avoid coming down with a bad case of senioritis. I was that student. I would settle for no less than an A+ on all of my assignments and would work endless hours perfecting my grammar. Now, for lack of a better way to put it, I honestly just don’t care. By no means am I saying that I won’t do my assignments, but the B+ I got in Calculus last quarter, no biggy. Now, if I told my freshman-self that, she would most likely pass out. However, I have matured throughout my four years of high school, and I have earned the right to give myself a little break, but, before I do that, I want to help out any underclassmen who care to listen to my high school advice. 

  • Junior year SUCKS: When someone takes the time to tell you that junior year is going to be the most rigorous, back-breaking, God-awful year of your life, believe them. Junior year is, typically, the last full year that will appear on a student’s college transcript, and that fact alone can be overwhelming. It is your last year to really show your dream colleges what you have to offer. Yes, take the hard classes, but don’t take so many hard classes that you’re sitting in your bed every night at three in the morning weeping into your homework wondering why you did this to yourself. In my personal experience, taking more than three AP classes during one year of high school will put you in that position. Try to balance out your schedule by taking two AP classes, if you wish, and balance it out with the rest of your core classes consisting of honors or regular level classes and electives.  
  • Leave your electives for things you enjoy: On the note of electives, take electives that will give you a reason to come to school. There are so many options offered at Altoona High School, and there is a class for everyone. Every senior has made the same mistake at least once in their high school career of scheduling an elective just because their friend was taking it. This may seem like a fantastic idea at the time, until they realize they didn’t get the same class period as their friend, or even the same semester. Now, they are stuck in a poetry class that puts them to sleep just thinking about it. 
  • Just do the homework: If I could go back in time and tell my freshman self one single thing, it would be this. The homework isn’t going to get easier the longer you scroll on Tiktok. The homework won’t be less work after you spend three hours on facetime with your friends. Just get it done. Knock it out right after school. Honestly, I just recently started staying after school to work in the student commons, and I have found that I get the same amount of work done in an hour and a half than I would get in three hours at home.  
  • Be careful when picking friends: As hard as it is to come to terms with it, typically, you will not have the same group of friends at the end of your senior year who you started with in your freshman year. People evolve. Personalities change. And that is okay. Your friends are who make high school fun, so be sure you choose people who have the same interests as you. I know it’s the most cliche term in the book, but don’t turn yourself into someone you’re not to impress people who you think you want to be friends with because, at the end of the day, you will have the most fun with the people you can connect with on a personal level, not necessarily the girl who won prom queen.
  • Allow yourself to breathe: High school, as I have said, can be stressful. It can be so hard to remember to take a step back and give yourself a chance to breathe. Getting a bad grade may seem like the end of the world, and it might push you to make impulsive decisions such as sending your teacher an angry email about how they graded your paper differently than your peer’s paper. However, taking a step back, and taking a deep breath will give you a second to process the situation and come up with a logical solution. 
  • Take your education seriously: I know. Getting up at 5:30 a.m. sucks, and nobody wants to do it. Trust me, I know. I know it can be hard to get the motivation to do your homework during the weekend or to pay attention in class when it is so early. However, there will rarely be another opportunity to get free education as soon as you graduate. Taking your education seriously will absolutely give you the upper hand in life and maybe even the motivation you need to get your assignments done. 
  • Ask your teachers for help: A teacher’s job is to help his or her students. If you feel like someone is staring at you for asking a question, who cares? Chances are if you have a question on how to do an assignment or the requirements of an essay, other classmates will have that same question. Teachers also are typically willing to help during class periods outside of your designated period if they are able to. If need be, visit during homeroom. Teachers are human too, and, sometimes, they might not give very in-depth explanations for assignments or tasks. Asking one simple question could save you so much stress and time trying to figure out what the instructions even mean, let alone saving your grade. 
  • Respect yourself, your teachers and everyone else: Respect may not be an elective in high school, but it, honestly, should be. When entering high school, don’t have the attitude that you’re above your other peers because of your upbringing or who you’re friends with.  If I could, I would go back and skip this phase of my life. Respect the people around you. Life is so much easier if you try to make this an everyday goal. 

Take pictures, make memories, it goes fast: I still can’t wrap my head around the fact I will be graduating in less than a semester. Don’t let yourself get so caught up in being a perfect student that you forget to make the memories you’ll be telling your kids in 30 years. Make a scrapbook. Make silly videos with your friends. Write in a journal. Do whatever you have to do to make sure you remember the good times. High school can be stressful, and it’s easy to get so caught up in stress that it feels like all high school is is homework and cramming for tests, but looking back on it, these four years were full of so many great memories that I still smile at.