Big Brothers and Big Sisters group shapes youth
The bigs and littles went out for ice cream and a day of fun!
January 4, 2019
The Big Brother Big Sister program can have an essential impact on a young person’s life.
” It helped me a lot; it showed me how to deal with everything,” sophomore Alissa Noel said
The program gives high school students an opportunity to become a mentor to a much younger student. The “Bigs” in the program speak highly of their “Littles.”
“When Emily started she was shy and cried a lot. But over the last few years she has become a lot more social,” senior Danielle Denofrio said.
The programs also benefits the “Bigs.”
“Just try it, it’s only one hour out of your day and these kids need someone. It gives you the feeling of being a mentor to someone and it gives the kids someone to look up to,” junior Sayd Pacha said.
“There are kids waiting for more ‘Bigs’ to join the program,” adviser Susan Fox said.
With over 50 kids waiting and the program losing most of its members this year from graduation it is needing more “Bigs” to step up and be mentors. Ninety seven percent of students at Penn Lincoln are on free or reduced lunch. The majority of these students would love to have an older mentor and each kid has their own unique personality.
“Collin likes to play basketball and Fortnite,” senior Spencer Showalter said.
“Emily likes Guess Who. We play it every Thursday,” Denofrio said.
“Isaac likes to be outside and likes football,” Pacha said said.
“Justice loves to draw,” senior Selena Hasellbarth said.
The program meets every Thursday to play games and help with homework if needed. The mentors who vouch for the program strongly urge their peers to join and give it a shot.
According to the S.M.A.R.T. program “Littles” are 35 percent less likely to skip school and 33 percent less likely to be involved in misconduct, including fighting in school. “Littles” are 46 percent less likely to begin illegal drug use. “Littles” are 27 percent less likely to begin using alcohol
The S.M.A.R.T. program also states that it gives mentors the chance to be an important positive role model in a child’s life.
If anyone has further questions or is interested in participating in the Big Brother Big Sister program contact Susan Fox in the guidance office.