Youth and government club holds mock election
Website created by Youth and Government Club
Make sure to submit your vote by Tuesday. Click below to vote.
November 3, 2020
The Youth and Government club is holding a mock election which all students are welcome to participate in. The club aims to bring awareness and participation in government. Results will be announced and compared after election night.
“This is a great way to combat apathy within the student body and just get students interested in government and politics,” club adviser Thomas Fox said.
Just like many other things this year, the club’s mock election has also had to adapt to COVID-19.
“Usually, we’ll make posters to hang around the school and campaign videos to show on MLTV and then we’ll have a ballot box on the bridge, but this year we made a website, which was completely Mr. Blough’s idea and development, to do the election,” Fox.
Fox has been doing the mock elections since 2004. According to Fox, the school’s election has correctly lined up with the elections in 2004, 2012 and 2016.
“We live in a very Republican area due to political socialization, so it wasn’t a surprise to me that we generally favored the Republican candidate,” Fox said.
The website includes the ballot, information about each of the candidates and information for first time voters. Students can submit their vote here.
“I’m excited to see how our results compare with the national results, but of course we won’t know the national results on Tuesday because of all the mail-in ballots. We hope that students take the time to be well informed voters and vote using the resources that the club provided on the websites,” club president Makayla Murphy said.