“I’m in”
Senior Kasey Schultz will attend Saint Francis University after high school. In this senior special blog, Schultz discusses her love for the campus and the idea of being independent.
Preparing for a new beginning. Senior Kasey Schultz will attend Saint Francis University after high school. Schultz will major in special education and minor in ASL.
Q: Why did you choose to go to Saint Francis University?
A: I chose to go to Saint Francis because it’s so close to home, and I love the campus.
Q: What are you majoring in or planning on studying at Saint Francis University?
A: I’m majoring in special education with a minor in ASL.
Q: What excites you the most about college?
A: I am most excited to be on my own and to be able to do things for myself without having to rely on anyone else.
Q: Is there anything about college that intimidates you?
A: I’d say the thing that intimidates me the most is that I really won’t know anyone [at the university] at first.
Q: What other colleges were you looking at as other options?
A: I also was looking at IUP and Mount Aloysius.
Q: Why did you think this college was the choice for you? What about the school interested you?
A: I think, personally, Saint Francis was the best option for me because everyone there is so friendly and they give really great opportunities…in the classroom even in your first year.
Q: How do you feel about senior year ending so soon?
A: I’m kind of sad for senior year to be over; although, we didn’t really have much of a senior year since we spent most of it from home.
Q: What do you think will be the biggest difference between high school and college?
A: I think the biggest difference will be being on my own…I’m most excited for, and hoping, there will be a difference in people’s attitudes and with people being mature.

I’m Sydney Wilfong, a senior at AAHS. I’m part of the band as a proud tenor saxophone player. On the days I have time, I enjoy writing, reading and...