“I’m in”
Senior Julia Lane will attend Juniata College after high school. In this senior special blog, Lane details all of the opportunities Juniata provides and explains why she’s ready for college.
Ready for the future. Senior Julia Lane will attend Juniata College after graduating high school. Lane will major in Early Education and specialize in grades Pre-K through fourth.
Q: Why did you choose to go to Juniata College?
A: I chose to go to Juniata College for many different reasons. I love that it isn’t too far away from here [Altoona] so I can still see my friends and family. I will also be playing soccer for the Eagles. I love the campus and they have a great education program.
Q: What are you majoring in or planning on studying at Juniata College?
A: I am majoring in Early Education, grades Pre-K through fourth [grade].
Q: What excites you the most about college?
A: I think the thing I’m most excited about for college is getting to learn how to be a teacher.
Q: Is there anything about college that intimidates you?
A: One thing that’s intimidating to me about college is being out on [my] own.
Q: What other colleges were you looking at as other options?
A: A couple other colleges that I was looking at as options were Geneva College, Washington & Jefferson College, Ursinus College and Marymount University.
Q: Why did you think this college was the choice for you? What about the school interested you?
A: I thought that this was the college for me because it fits everything that I was looking for. It’s a small liberal arts school, not far from home, has a great education program and I can play soccer.
Q: How do you feel about senior year ending so soon?
A: It makes me sad to think about schooling ending soon. This had been a big part of our lives and I know that it’s never going to be like this again. But I am also really excited about everything that comes along with graduating high school. Not to mention, this year had been so different because of the pandemic.
Q: What do you think will be the biggest difference between high school and college?
A: I think that the biggest difference between high school and college will be living on my own and having a heavier workload.

I’m Sydney Wilfong, a senior at AAHS. I’m part of the band as a proud tenor saxophone player. On the days I have time, I enjoy writing, reading and...