McDonald paves her path with passion


Colby Wendle

Introduction to Publication students designed magazine covers to feature journalism students. Colby Wendle designed this cover to feature Addisen McDonald.

When sophomore Addisen McDonald started her journey as a majorette for AAHS and as a competitive twirler for a group called the Show Twirlers, she already knew she was inspired by other fellow twirlers and wanted to be just like them or even better. McDonald knows that being a majorette means it is important to perform as a team. 

“I do feel pressure going out and performing, hoping to not let the rest of the squad down. But I feel we all do a good job of trying to not make each other feel pressured in those situations,” McDonald said.

In McDonald’s competition world, starting competing at a younger age means competing with the same people as they get older.   

“We like to welcome a bunch of new people. And once you’re on the team, you get very close with everyone, so it’s a very positive atmosphere,” McDonald said. 

McDonald’s twirler competition team has its own studio based in Altoona. Her team travels to a lot of different competition places as well.

“The time we practice varies. Honestly because of the gyms that we go to. But just a lot of long hours really,” McDonald said. 

For both McDonald’s competitive twirl and school majorettes, they don’t do that many difficult things. But it is all about looking clean.

“Honestly just practice is where I make my stride. And you just have to keep doing it, especially if there is an obstacle in the way of that,” McDonald said.

McDonald and her coaches train her to be a good person. So even though she is still twirling she is learning real life skills as well.

“Even if you aren’t on the same skill level as some of the other twirlers, you can’t just compare yourself to them. Instead you need to hold yourself accountable for what you would like to get better at and just keep on trying,” McDonald said. 

 McDonald hopes to place top ten in the upcoming nationals season as well as qualify for nationals, with her competitive twirler team. She would also like to put her best efforts and push forward to try and get the feature twirler lead in the majorettes.