2020 election results affect everyone


[Portrait of President-elect Donald Trump]. Digital photograph, 2016. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division. https://www.loc.gov/item/2017645723/

DId you vote? On Nov. 3, the 2020 election took place. President elect Joe Biden won the election and will replace President Trump on Jan. 20 2021.

Cassidy Klock, Reporter

There is no doubt that the 2020 election is a presidential election like no other. According to the National Public Radio, over 93 million people have cast their votes as of Nov. 2, a day before the election day. That is about 68% of the total votes in the 2016 election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. They also claim this has been the highest voter turnout since 1908 between Taft and Bryan. 

Lots of students under the age of 18 have been active and involved in this election. That is a great step in the right direction. In the 2024 election, anyone who is over the age of 14 right now will be eligible to vote. This election is a great opportunity to get involved in politics, research both candidates and parties, look into what policies each party typically stands for and really get a good feel for how politics works. We are the future face of America, and our voices do matter.

I think it’s important for the kids under the age of 18 to be aware of what’s happening in the election because nowadays politics are spreading to young kids. All over social media there is fake news and different political views that have a certain effect on others considering their relationship to politics or not having enough information on the election. By being aware at a young age, it allows you to have a better understanding of both of the political parties that could potentially help you decide who to vote when you get to the voting age. Again political information is spreading like wildfire among kids our age nowadays, which could be very misleading considering some may not have any information on the election, but rather on the fake news,” sophomore Morgan Lardieri said. 

So the big question is, “Why should I pay attention to the election if I am under the age of 18? Does it even affect me?” and the answer is, yes! President-elect Biden has made it very clear what he wants for the future generation of America and what his goals are for the time in office. 

President Biden wants to make public college more affordable across America: 

The 2020 presidential election is going to make a big impact on everyone no matter if you are liberal or conservative, male or female, under the age of 18 or above. According to Joe Biden’s Official website president Biden wants to make public college more affordable for people of the middle class. 

Young people all across America dream of going to college, but there is no doubt that college is an expensive path to travel down. According to College data, in 2019-2020, the average price of tuition and fees for college comes to: 

  • $36,880 for private colleges 
  • $10,440 for public colleges (in-state residents)
  • $26,820 at public colleges (out-of-state residents)

Under Biden’s presidency he has stated many things regarding public college. According to Nerd Wallet, Biden has proposed making tuition free at many schools under certain circumstances. 

COVID-19 impact on schools:

Since COVID19 hit the United States, schools all over the country have been restricted and some even shut down due to the deadliness of the virus. According to Chalkbeat, Biden promises to take a different approach on reopening schools than President Trump did during the pandemic to assure the safety of everyone Biden plans on reopening schools when it is safe. He also has a plan to enforce a mask mandate which requires everyone to wear a mask when out in public to assure the safety of others around you. 

According to the CDC Official website,  there have been 10 million total cases, 880k cases in the past 7 days and 240k total deaths in the United States.  

During flu season, cases have spiked quite a bit in the past few weeks and with people refusing to wear masks, or not wearing them correctly only increases the risk of themselves and others. With president-elect Biden’s mask mandate, it will help America get back to a “normal” lifestyle as soon as it is safe to do so.

Climate change: 

According to BBC News, Joe Biden’s plans to tackle climate change has been labeled as “ambitious.”

According to the Washington Post, Biden has made it clear that he wants to rejoin the Paris Agreement, an agreement dealing with things like climate change and the greenhouse effect on our planet. This is the only planet we have and we need to take action now before it is too late. 

Politics may not interest everyone, but it is most definitely not a bad idea to educate yourself while you are still young with reliable sources. Again, we are the future faces of America and our future is on the line too. 

I think it’s important because these are decisions being made that will impact our future. Even though we don’t have a legitimate say, we can still influence others with our beliefs. It is necessary to understand what will become of our country and what lies ahead,” sophomore Marin Cooney said.