Spring orchestra concert scheduled

Picture time The symphonic orchestra poses for their group photo. The symphonic orchestra gets together during fourth period on Tuesdays to practice as a group.

Curtesy of Kelly Detwiler

Picture time The symphonic orchestra poses for their group photo. The symphonic orchestra gets together during fourth period on Tuesdays to practice as a group.

The spring orchestra concert has been scheduled for May 11 at 7 p.m. Students playing in the concert should report to the band room at 6:15 p.m.

“This is a more classical based concert than the others during the year,” orchestra director Kelly Detwiler said. “This also recognizes seniors and adds the AP Music Theory and Harmony selections.”

The orchestra will be performing “Carpe Diem,” and the symphonic orchestra will be playing “Hungarian Dance No. 5,” “Academic Festival Op. 80,” and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” The string ensemble will be playing “Nimrod,” “Golliwogg’s” and “Cakewalk Sweet Child of Mine.” The AP Music Theory and Harmony students’ original compositions will be played.