Counselors address school year concerns


Guidance at home. Each grade has its own google classroom for the guidance office. Be sure to look through the materials after you’ve signed up and contact your counselor if you have any questions or concerns

Mykenzi Doran, Reporter

On Friday, Oct. 2 at 10 a.m. , the counselors for all grade levels held separate Google meet sessions to discuss this school year.

“It’s okay I guess. I think its only okay because some problems are hard to talk about virtually,” sophomore Noah Keller said.

Counselors discussed things like grades, classes, clubs, and expressed that if you need help with anything to email your counselor. If you’re not sure who your counselor is, you can look on your Skyward account in the “Student Info.” section.  Each grade level has a Google classroom, the class codes are pjmnmtu for Seniors, v3pcr77 for Juniors, 47cz4hr for Sophomores and zy66dt3 for Freshman.