Earthkeepers sponsor Hibernation Day

Wanda Vanish, Guest Writer

Any student who donates $1 to Earthkeepers club before Friday March 18 will be eligible to wear pajamas to school that Friday.

“The Earthkeepers Club is having a fundraiser to help offset the cost of attending the District Envirothon in April.  This is an environmental competition in the areas of forestry, wildlife, aquatics, soil and current events,” adviser Robin DeShong said.  “Two five member teams from AAHS will be attending the competition.  The Last Hibernation Day is to celebrate the last school day of Winter.  Everything in nature starts to awake from its resting state.  On Friday March 18th students can wear pajamas following the dress code (no midriffs, spaghetti straps, short shorts). The cost is $1 and a permission slip is given to be kept in the ID holder.”

The permission slip can be purchased at lunch or from Michael Steininger in A316.