Danielle Bardelang, Public Relations Manager
I am a senior at the Altoona Area High School and am the public relations manager for the Mountain Echo newspaper. I seek excellence in my academic and extracurricular pursuits. I began writing at a young age, but fell in love with it in eighth grade. I absolutely love anything art related. Writing and art allows me to express myself and tell a story through all I do. I enjoy twirling batons, and spending time with family and friends. I am involved with many clubs and groups within the school such as student ambassadors, student council, band front and yearbook. During my senior year I am holding the titles of Majorette Captain, and Yearbook Editor-in-Chief. “This is my life… my story… my book. I will no longer let anyone else write it; nor will I apologize for the edits I make.” – Steve Maraboli.