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The Student News Site of Altoona Area High School

Mountain Echo

Altoona Area High School
1404 Sixth Avenue
Altoona, PA 16602
  • March 10Breakfast 03/10/25 - Assorted Bagels with Cream Cheese
  • March 10Lunch 03/10/25 - Crispy Chicken Sandwich
  • March 10Announcements for 03/10/25
  • March 7Breakfast 03/07/25 - Pancakes
  • March 7Lunch 03/07/25 - Toasted Texas Triple Cheese Sandwich
  • March 7Announcements for 03/07/25
  • March 6Breakfast 03/06/25 - Egg and Cheese Bagel
The Student News Site of Altoona Area High School

Mountain Echo

The Student News Site of Altoona Area High School

Mountain Echo

Cassidy Klock

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief

Hello! I’m Cassidy Klock, and I am the Editor in Chief for the AAHS Mountain Echo. I’ve always had a passion for writing ever since I was a little girl, and I would constantly be writing stories no matter where I was. Other than being on the staff, other school activities I take part in include: Student Ambassadors, Executive Committee, Class President, Friends of Rachel and I was the HOBY leadership representative for my sophomore year. One of my biggest tasks this year I have taken on is developing a mindfulness curriculum with our school librarian, Tanya Lucas. In my free time you can find me hanging out with my friends, journaling, listening to music, shopping, or painting. I also recently have developed a new love for photography. My dream college is Penn State, and I am doing everything in my power to get there! I plan on attending the nursing program there just like my mother did. I’m looking forward to keeping you updated on the school news this year. Cya! :)

All content by Cassidy Klock

Senior advice

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief
February 22, 2023
Students keep track of completed assignments in Google classroom.

Students need to learn accountability

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief
January 23, 2023
Helping hands. Behavioral Intervention class teacher Jennifer Cala works to prepare the closet in thr BIC room for the upcoming basic needs pantry. Cala has been teaching at the school for four months, and she has been planning for the pantry for approximately three months.

Basic needs pantry to open

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief
November 16, 2022
Staff member Cassidy Klock writes about how important it is to keep abortion legal, safe and accessible.

Pro-choice is the only choice

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief
October 3, 2022
Microsoft Excel teacher Chelsey McKee adds grades to Skyward before interim grades are due. McKee joined the teaching staff during the 2022-23 school year.

Chelsey McKee

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief
September 29, 2022

[Photo] Alyssa Zeigler

September 17, 2022

[Photo] Abigail Herncane

September 17, 2022
Just dance. Students dance the night away during last year's Homecoming dance. The dance took place on Sept. 30.

Homecoming dance scheduled for Sept. 29

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief
September 16, 2022
Students gather in Madilyn Ober's classroom to prep for a test with a Kahoot. Ober joined the faculty staff this year.

[Photo] Madilyn Ober

Makenzie Closson, Reporter
September 16, 2022
image_67232257 (1)

[Photo] Makenzie Negri

Ryan Longstreth, Reporter
September 16, 2022
Senior Jenna Vasquez prepares to wow the crowd with her cheer skills. Vasquez has been on the squad since freshman year.

Football team victorious on Sept. 9

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief
September 10, 2022
On Sept. 9, the football team played against Mifflin County. The boys were victorious with a score of 38-0.

Football game, behind the scenes

Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief
September 10, 2022
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Cassidy Klock